I was at sushi. Jeff just kept giving me a lot of free nigiri. Then, he just took the whole piece of fish out of the display and gave me half of it, and he ate the other half. It was that new Hamachi. I also had an ice coffee from Dunkin Donuts. And I had some coffee power shake from sushi go, which i had to pay for. I think Carlene gave me the power shake.

Then, Chris and I went to a movie theater. We were supposed to meet up with John. Chris went to look for him, while I watched the movie, but he didn't find him. The movie starred the lab mice from Animaniacs, and they had masks, like in the Jim Carry movie. In the beginning of the movie, the mice were on some kids backpack, wading through a huge, dark bog. They thought that this was their chance to break free. They did and then they got lost and scared, and they were diving under water to hide from partially blind alligators. Chris said he was going to find John again. He came back and said he found him. I wondered why he didn't find him the first time. At this point, the movie was perversely graphic. It was in the fashion of an old black and white Mickey Mouse cartoon, and there were families with little kids just watching it. Anyway, I followed Chris to the theater where John was. We had to hike through old parts of the theater, with all clutter strewn around. There was an attractive girl leading a tour through the theater, like it was a museum.

Chris picked up some folding chairs, because all the seats were full in the theater where John was. We had to climb up some piles of clutter, about 20ft, to get up to a balcony. Then we had to jump from the clutter to the balcony. Chris tried to throw his chair to the balcony, but he was nervous around the attractive tour guide, so he just kept slamming it into the side, but somehow it came back to him each time. He finally made it, and then jumped himself. Then he wanted me to throw my chair to him, but instead, he threw his chair to me, because he was still nervous. He got all embarrassed, and that was the end.