Halloween 2020 - Day 08
Drago: Normally the gift is all I care about, but this has me concerned.
Pumpathan: Nonsense, you haven't even tried them.
Pumpathan: It's rather close minded to not give it a chance.
Cael: I would usually agree, but this has certainly been the worst thing brought here so far.
Pumpathan: Aww shucks!
Cael: Well, here goes. Might as well try it.
Drago: Ptth.
Drago: It's about how you'd expect.
Cael: Nasty, how would you know?
Hogbug: What's W stand for...? The witch's brew?
Hedgekin: Haha, epic Homestar reference.
Hedgekin: Which reminds me. The Flash plugin is dying in two months. Best catch up on all that stuff now.