Halloween 2021 - Day 17
So good to get an invite. It's been so long!
Cael: Look, we're not here to chit chat. We've got something you may like, so the sooner you take it away, the better.
Ooo, a gift. What of?
Cael: We need you to take the bird back to wherever it is that birds thrive.
A bird? Yes. That will do nicely
Looks like you've found your new forever home Mr. Birdy
Cael: No, not the one we like...
It's just as beautiful!
Great news! No more tiny birds!
CyberRaven: Why do I feel like good news precedes bad news?
There's no such need for any doubt.
Big Pumpy: Okay, round two. I'm sure you'll like these.
Big Pumpy: Despite the heavy slant towards all things pumpkiny.
Big Pumpy: They had a name, but I spent hours debating whether or not it was profane to speak out loud, so I will forgo such titles for the time being.
Meow Mix: So is it a wristband, charm thing.
Sands O'Time: No, I believe it's for a masquerade ball of some sorts.
Sands O'Time: 3/5. Very confusing
Hedgekin: Oh good. No more missed gifts.
Hogbug: I'll forgive its lack of Halloween aesthetic on the count of those monthers being adorable.
Hedgekin: You sure about that?
Hogbug: On the packaging. The actual chips will haunt me.
Hedgekin: That just leaves one final concern.
Hedgekin: I know potatoes are technically vegetables, but that's not the impression I get when I'm advertised 'veggie chips'.