Halloween 2021 - Day 20
Cael: Did Benny leave yet?
Drago: Don't think so. Why?
Cael: Squeaky wheels approacheth.
Cael: Ouch. Glad the Goblin Juice has him out for the count.
Jeeves: Why is your apartment so bumpy?
Cael: How do you managed to drive into said apartment?
Jeeves: Bother me not with such trivialities. Have you seen a giant armadillo by any chance?
Drago: Can't say we have. Should we be on the lookout for one?
Jeeves: Not at all. I've brought another item for you to set up.
Cael: No, no. You can't just mention a giant armadillo and leave us hanging.
Jeeves: Crazy talk. I know of no such thing. Here's a finger-pumpkin-candle thing. I think it will go well here.
Cael: How rude.
Drago: Very, but at least Benny doesn't seem to notice.
Hedgekin: Did I say Oh Joy already this month?
Hogbug: Yes, several times.
Hedgekin: Well, I'm saying it again.
Hogbug: These look suspiciously familiar.
Hedgekin: I think they're related to the Make-a-wish kids from last year.
Hogbug: Oh? I wonder how they're doing these day.
Hedgekin: I heard they have a wide open farm on which to frolic.
Hedgekin: Back on topic. Shall we dig into these and see what we find?
Hogbug: Hmm, we have to assemble them. That feels somewhat unnerving.
Hogbug: And done. Wait...a duplicate. How many are there to collect?
Hogbug: Eight?! This will be impossible.