Halloween 2022 - Day 15
Drago: Anything yet?
Cael: Nada...
Catskills: Well, do any of these work?
Meow Mix: Don't yell at me!
Sands O'Time: I'm about to give up. This just isn't working for me.
Big Pumpy: What do you mean? This place has everything.
Sands O'Time: It has plenty, but I wouldn't consider any of it to be desirable.
Big Pumpy: Nonsense. We just need to explore the space a bit.
Big Pumpy: What a spoilsport. I'm sure there was plenty of treasures to be found around every bend.
Big Pumpy: Look! Some delicable treats...
Big Pumpy: Curses, it's empty.
Big Pumpy: But this looks promising.
Hedgekin: Are we blessed, or are we blessed?
Hogbug: I believe both statements are the same. Looks like we got some candy though, so I'd respond in the affirmative regardless.
Hogbug: Even though the pH levels are off the charts, especially on the ones used by dentists. You going to try one?
Hedgekin: I can't! I have the one-out-of-ten that disagrees!