Halloween 2022 - Day 19
Cael: Finally! Found a screwdriver small enough for thee tiny screws.
Drago: Took you long enough. Least the working lamp was on my side.
Cael: I was enjoying the mood lighting--or lack thereof--but it will be nice to have things in working order. Not thrilled about this needing three batteries though.
Cael: And that spring-loaded action wasn't a welcome surprise.
Drago: Aren't you even going to test it before reassembling it all back together?
Cael: Nah. I have faith. Hey! Oh ye of little faith.
Hedgekin: Pez! I love that stuff. What does Pez mean anyway?
Hogbug: Pezasaurus...
Hedgekin: Of course!
Hogbug: You feeling brave enough to try and load one of these?
Hedgekin: Sure. I love living on the edge.
Hedgekin: There we go. Almost in...
Hedgekin: Ah, it was a trap!
I see this as a positive
CyberRaven: Extra eyeballs growing out of thin air...is not a positive!
Least they're slightly more realistic.
CyberRaven: Again...not a positive.
No, no. These will be of great use to us.
We can absorb them for nutrients.
CyberRaven: That's horrific. Why is it making such a gross slurping sound?
CyberRaven: And why is this still on?
It's been like that since you tested it.
CyberRaven: Great! Now I need to find a screwdriver.