Halloween 2024 - Day 14

Oh dear...

Drago: You know what we haven't done in ages?

Cael: Don't care, but hold that thought...

Cael: This is going to drive me absolutely crazy if I don't fix it.

Cael: Flippy-do

Cael: Perfect. I can stop itching now.

Cael: Okay, you were going to propose something I don't care about...

Drago: Wow, thanks for being a downer. But I thought it would be nice to invite our friends over and actually do an activity.

Cael: Because you want the comfort of company, or because you are going stir crazy?
Drago: Moreseo the latter

Cael: This is all we could get? B-roll from the rogue gallery?

Drago: You know, those are the type of things you only say behind their backs.
OwlPatch: Er...thank you?

Cael: Wow more owls and a drunk. This is going to be a blast.

Owlboy: My sixth sense was telling me not to come, but no...I ignored it like usual.

OwlPatch: Look, we're here. We may as well make the most of it. So what are we doing, anyhowever?

Cael: Looks like a stiker activity book. Each of you got a character, so decorate it, and we'll hang them up or something.
OwlPatch: Surprised you didn't offer to fire them in the kiln.
Cael: I thought about it, but it feels cheap stealing lines from Strangers with Candy.

Cael: Great, he's on drugs.

Cael: Or perhaps the candy was laced with something. The 80s panic had some merit, I see.

Cael: A witch with a broom...seems somewhat stereotypical.
Benny: Well with a face like that, she may as well be domestic. Not winning any beauty contests, that's for sure.

Owlboy: I think mine is half-vampire from the short-bus. I realized too late that those were mushrooms not nostrils.

Drago: I got lazy and just added eyes and gave him a pet spider.
Cael: This whole thing was literally your idea.
Drago: You'll never prove that in court.

Cael: Wait, this one is still blank!

Cael: Evil Pumpkin, you didn't even try!

Cael: I'm very disappointed in you.