Halloween 2024 - Day 17
Cael: Why does this picture keep falling down?
Cael: Huh? There's a stash of old things behind it. I thought this apartment was a new build.
Cael: Even has the old Teddybear costume stickers. Haven't seen those in ages.
Cael: Hey, I think we've struck gold.
Drago: Like actual gold that's worth something?
Cael: Well, no, but nostalgia hits hard. It's almost as good.
Drago: It's nowhere near that.
Cael: Our Halloween Party. Imagine giving these out back in the day.
Drago: Trick or Treat...
Cael: Yes, Trick or Treat. How did you guess?
Cael: You know what we should do?
Drago: No idea. There's a huge barrier between us now. Can't hear you.
Cael: Call Ol' Man Jibberjabber. He'll know what these are worth.
CyberRaven: Things getting any better?
No, not at all...