Halloween 2024 - Day 31
Meow Mix: Well, did you find anything of use?
Big Pumpy: I did!
Big Pumpy: I got a pack of Skittles, but I ate them on the way back.
Meow Mix: The Shrieker edition? Those are terrible. And why did you bring the wrapper back? You know those don't compost.
Big Pumpy: I like the label.
Meow Mix: And you? What have you been doing to help?
Sands O'Time: I'm keeping the piggies happy. They like belly rubs. You wouldn't like them when they haven't had their bellies rubbed...
Sands O'Time: I'm also keeping certain angles pointed away from us. You'll thank me for that.
Meow Mix: I do thank you for that.
Meow Mix: Hey, do you hear crying? It's over this way...
Meow Mix: Oh dear. It's a poor little child.
Meow Mix: Are you okay? You'll be safe with us...
Meow Mix: Never mind. You're on your own!
Meow Mix: Abandon ship!
Meow Mix: Again
Cael: Well, I'll have to hand it to you. You did well with the countdown numbers these past few days.
Pumpkin Jack: What do you mean. I forgot to change them, ever.
Cael: I know, but you sat in front of them, so we didn't have to. That's even better.
Pumpkin Jack: Glad to be of service.
Cael: Don't get too lofty...er what's that?
Cael: A 100 sided dice? Neeeeeerds!
Cael: Oh wait, it has teeth and is sort of scary.
Cael: Abandon rental deposit!
Drago: Anyone notice that I've fallen into a supporting role this year? Not that I'm complaining, but it's worth noting.
Batrick: Another year down.
I'm just glad I upped my net worth
and was able to use my name
instead of being anonymous.
Not cool
Batrick: This is cute. Who made the faux wall of cute, yet tormented, souls?
Batrick: Oh no! It was hiding a cultist. And it's giving me the finger!
*Boop the Snoop*
Batrick: Abandon diginity!
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Rein-man: Whom whence we wander willingly...
CyberRaven: Enough alliteration. Are you finally finished?
Rein-man: Does a deer bark at fish?
CyberRaven: Yes, they do. Now show me the results.
Rein-man: It's not my best work, but it will do.
Rein-man: But I must warn you that behind that sheet, is something not for the faint of heart.
CyberRaven: Isn't it, 'feint of heart'?
Rein-man: It is not.
CyberRaven: I've been wrong for years!
Rein-man: Amoung many things. But here it is.
CyberRaven: I was hoping for something a bit more clear.
Rein-man: Clear as in understandable, or clear as in the pixelation?
CyberRaven: Either would suffice.
Doomguy: Greetings. Who has summoned me, and why?
CyberRaven: I have, but I'm honestly not sure why. I think there's a threat, but it was more about figuring out what those numbers meant.
Doomguy: Understandable. Only 90s kids would know about palettes.
Doomguy: Please, let me sit down and explain the history of graphics, starting with CGA...
CyberRaven: We really don't have time for that. If filling in the colors brought you here, then there must be something you need to accomplish.
Doomguy: Yes indeed. What form of evil have you encountered?
CyberRaven: Well, most everyone I've met lately. But there was this icosahedron that we attempted to hatch...
Doomguy: WHAT! This is much more serious than I thought, if it is what I think it is.
Doomguy: We need to consult the ancestors...
Big Pumpy: I'm pretty sure returning to the dump was the wrong choice, but a confident wrong decision still trumps a questionable right one.
Meow Mix: I'd argue, but I don't have any better ideas at the moment.
Big Pumpy: Now you're speaking my language.
Meow Mix: Yeah, but without your awful accent.
Eduard: Not to add to the mess, but did you happen to see the new additions to place?
Eduard: I think the trick-or-treaters are going native.
Big Pumpy: Is that an offensive term now? I've lost track.
Hedgekins: I almost lost hope, but we got the VooDew in the end. I can rest easy now.
Hogbug: I admit, it had me worried for a moment. But all's well that ends well.
Hedgekins: Wait! I think there's something else coming!
Doomguy: This clearance is certainly not up to OSHA standards. Make a note of that.
Doomguy: If only I weren't so muscley. This is my curse.
CyberRaven: We'll all be cursed if you don't get a move on!
Doomguy: Gentlehogs, I am looking for the ancestors. Have you seen a coffin in your travels?
Hedgekin: Coffin? We'd have to check the back. Things have been piling up lately.
Hogbug: I think I saw one. It'll just take a bit of sifting.
Hogbug: Ah, I think this might be it.
Hogbug: Yes, yes. I'm sure of it.
Hogbug: Very pretty, no?
Doomguy: Yes! Very pretty. Now open it, so we may consult the ancients.
CyberRaven: Plth... Of all the times not to have arms. I'll never get this taste out.
Billy Blaze: Uh oh. What's happening now?
Doomguy: Grand pappy! It's been too long!
CyberRaven: There's a connection? That's a bit of a retcon. And who's that pumpking guy? We have enough of those already.
Gourdon: Just along for the ride. I'll catch up with you later, Billy. Nice chatting.
Billy Blaze: You too. Don't be a stranger.
Billy Blaze: So what are we up against?
Doomguy: You'll find out soon enough...just as soon as I do.
Cael: Alright, we've got some End Game level teamup going on, so let's make a battle plan.
Cael: Some of you I've known for years. Others, I'll have to put my faith in you that you're not going to flake out. While most of us have had our differences, just know that after this battle, we'll never have to see each other again. And that's the true victory.
Drago: Hey! Aren't those hedgehogs part of the evil team?
Hedgekin: Aw, that was the past. We're in it for the common good now. Plus I haven't stretched my legs in three years.
Cael: Proper stretching is important. Everyone take note of that.
Pumpkin Jack: I'd just like to say that we've seen the future and...
Catskills: Sorry to interupt, but I'm here, and I want at least one speaking part.
Midge: I am also here, and I've brought the armadillo. And we're not just delivering mail today. We're delivering death!
Drago: I'd expect no less. Now where was that bird?
Drago: Ah, there he is. I'm sure this will factor into our success.
CyberRaven: Attention! We have a real hero who will guide us to victory. Listen up!
Doomguy: Thank you for that introduction. I've come a long way, and seen more than a mortal should. But after today, we will all live in peace and happiness. Now before I go much further, please say Hi to my distant relative, many times removed.
Billy Blaze: Thanks for putting me on the spot.
Doomguy: You're welcome! Now the battle will be long and difficult. Many of you will die, but it will all be worth it to survive.
Doomguy: I have my shotgun, but I'm afraid there's only one. The rest of you will have to get creative.
Doomguy: Are we ready?
*Gronk Chomp Challenge*
Doomguy: Very good! And the rest of you, don't forget the ones over there.
Hogbug: It's a Guinea Pig Bat! Are are supposed to fight it or something?
Hedgekin: Fight it! It's too adorable. Plus we both share swine-ish names despite having no reason to.
Hogbug: Agreed. Let's catch it and get outta here.
Hedgekin: Come on buddy. This is no place for you.
Billy Blaze: Yes, this Raygun still works! Never know if the Blast-a-cola went flat in the mean time.
Eduard: Hey, watch out where you're blasting!
Billy Blaze: Oops, sorry.
Eduard: That is not ADA compliant!
Sands O'Time: Help! That thing is pointing at me.
Sands O'Time: Is that a bad thing?
Sands O'Time: I have no idea what that creature was, but thank you.
Big Pumpy: Well Mr. Little Pumpkin Head. In another life, we could have been friends, but there's just not room for more characters at this point.
Midge: See! I told you I'd be useful this time.
Big Pumpy: Thank you, but I think I'll be a little more weary around that thing from now on.
Pumpkin Jack: Ah...we're hit!
Cael: No you're not. You're nowhere near the action.
Pumpkin Jack: We're fading... back to the future.... past...
CyberRaven: Don't let up! We still have more to go.
Benny: Um, you mean that thing up there?
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
Cael: That was anticlimactic, but I'll allow it. Nice one Bird of Staring.
Doomguy: Don't get careless, the worst is yet to come!
Doomguy: I knew it! It's a Cacodemon...
Cael: You sure? Colors don't really match.
Doomguy: I think someone edited the palette.
CyberRaven: Fear not. I'll blast him with my—
Doomguy: I'm down. Rolled a terrible RNG and the shotgun did nothing!
Cael: Just jump over here. You still have time!
Doomguy: That is my weakness...I cannot jump.
Jeeves: Enough of this...
Jeeves: Order needs to be restored around here.
Owlpatch: We did it. Victory is ours!
Cael: Careful with the 'we', I saw you hanging back while the main fighting was happening.
Doomguy: Yes, the fighting is now over, but the battle goes on.
Cael: How does that make any sense?
Doomguy: You don't need to know the details, but the great reset is coming.
Doomguy: It was an honor fighting alongside you. Goodbye.
Cael: Wait, stop. What are you doing?
Cael: Right back where we began, eh?
Drago: Looks like it. Are you complaining?
Cael: No, no. It's the way it was meant to be.
Cael: Look! New hats!
Oh crud...