Fear on the Farm

South Hadley, MA

Website: https://www.fearonthefarm.com/

Pricing: $30-50

Type: Haunt/Hayride

Setting: Outdoors

Full Contact Option: No


AKA: Monster Mash Scream Park

I had a bit of trouble looking this one up, since I kept calling it by the farm's name rather than the haunt name. But that proved troublesome too, since I'm not sure if it officially goes by The Scream Park or Fear on the Farm. Either way, the attraction is a combo of a haunted hayride followed by a walkthrough, so you get both for the single admission (some places have tickets for either/or and then a combo).

Admittedly, I had sort of two different experiences. The first time had much better weather, and it seemed a bit more lively. The second time was during a windly cold snap, and despite this, the lines were hours long. By the time we got to the end (of the line, so the beginning of the hayride), it was almost closing time. It was more of a final push to ensure all ticket holders were taken care of. It wasn't bad, but there's a certain vibe between a fresh 7PM and the final stretch at 11PM.

The hayride isn't extremely packed, so you don't feel like you're sitting on top of the next person. The route takes a path around the perimeter of the farm, where attractions are set up and trigger once you get clode. Often the tractor will stop, and actors will scape pitchforks and chainsaws against the frame, while sometimes boarding and getting close to your face. There's no contact except for the stray tripping over your feet as they traverse the wagon.

After the hayride, there is a traditional haunt. There's a haunted house facade, but beyond that, it's a standard plywood maze full of props and the occasional actor. The finale ends with a chainsaw maniac that chases you out into the parking lot.

Notable Moment

During the hayride, there is a moment when you are driven into a barn. But instead of passing through, the doors on both sides are shut, and fog machines begin to fill cloud the place. The opening to Slipknot's 'Wait and Bleed' began to play, and when the song kicked in, maniacs with chainsaw jumped out and tore through the barn. The timing of the spectacle was perfect.




Since it's a working farm, there's a few sets that are just a natural part of the property. As a hayride, it works, but the regular haunt is about average.


It's on the higher end of the mid-tier admission, but you do get both the hayride and walkthrough for the same price. I'd place more value on the hayride though, which makes something like $20 feel more reasonable.


It's sort of a family friendly haunt, so scares aren't too intense. You'll typically get more actors prowling the grounds while you're in line, than on showing up in the attraction proper. This can be somewhat amusing when they pick out a person to target, and it becomes an hour long cat and mouse game between a clown and a teenager who doesn't want to appear soft in front of his friends (but runs away all the same).