ROBIN and DANIEL pull up in DANIEL's Saab 900 s convertible. The car rolls to a stop in front of the camera. Interior shot, Daniel looks across at Robin.



So if I say "Sounds like a deal to me," you know what to do.


ROBIN nods silently and solemnly. Exterior shot from in front of the car as they both open their doors and get out. Wide shot reveals that CARPAZO hasn't arrived yet, and ROBIN and DANIEL lean against the hood of the car. Medium shot of them looking around, then hearing an engine. They stand. CARPAZO's Jaguar (or Mercury Sable) pulls up and stops opposite DANIEL's car, as if in a faceoff. DANIEL looks mildly unsettled. The doors to CARPAZO's car open slowly, and CARPAZO's bodyguard gets out the passenger side a couple of seconds before CARPAZO exits the driver's seat. A high wide shot shows that both pairs stand in front of their cars, about twenty feet from each other. Then for most of the dialog, there are only two shots - medium shots of CARPAZO and his bodyguard, and ROBIN and DANIEL, alternating as they talk.



Right on time, Daniel... you're so predictable.



Not as predictable as you, Ricky. You're late as usual.


CARPAZO shrugs this off.



You brought the formula disk, I presume?



Of course. And you brought the money?


CARPAZO [with a slight smile]

Of course.


CARPAZO's bodyguard produces a silver briefcase, and opens it long enough to reveal that it's full of cash. [Close shot]



Excellent. [pause] And you're going to make sure that the public finds out all about this.



Sure, eventually.


ROBIN [suspicious]

What does that mean?



Well I'll need to make a little cash off of it first, won't I?


ROBIN [getting angry]

What? So you're going to sell it to your criminal buddies! Do you realize what damage this stuff could do in their hands?



Why should I care? It'll put a few G's in my pocket, then it's out of my hands. I'll let the public know all about it once it's outlived its usefulness to me.



No good. We just need this made public right away, with no trail back to us.


CARPAZO [angrier]

Do you seriously think I'm prepared to pay 300,000 dollars to do you a *favor*? I don't pay for the privilege of doing charity work, Bishop.



Then the deal is off. We'll find someone else.


CARPAZO [still angry]

Oh come on, Bishop. You know as well as I do that there *is* no one else. I'm the only one with the connections you need. And I'm sure you'd like to have this off your hands real quick-like. [quieter, more persuasively/manipulatively - switch to closeup] Do the smart thing, Daniel - Unless you want something... bad to happen, take the money, give me the formula, and don't look back. It's not your business anymore.


DANIEL, in a closeup, is visibly trying to decide what to do. Then he sighs and looks down for "Okay then Ricky," and back up to make eye contact for the key phrase.



Okay then Ricky... Sounds like a deal to me.


Shot opens up to both DANIEL and ROBIN, as they nod to each other. ROBIN goes back to the car, opens the door, and in an over-the-shoulder shot we see that she picks up one of two envelopes. She walks back out to her former position. She is concealing the fact that her hand is inside the envelope.



The disk is in here. You bring the money to Daniel, and I'll bring the formula to you.


CARPAZO nods, smiling. He nods to his bodyguard, who picks up the briefcase. It can be seen that he's hiding a gun under the briefcase, pointed at Daniel. Suddenly ROBIN fires three bullets in rapid succession from inside the envelope at CARPAZO's bodyguard, who falls at CARPAZO' feet. Carpazo looks down in confusion and shock, then back up to see DANIEL standing alone by his car.



Okay then, if that's how you do business.


A low, slow-motion shot follows of CARPAZO throwing off his jacket and in the same motion pulling out two guns. As he is pointing them at DANIEL, he recieves a shot to the torso from ROBIN, who had ducked behind CARPAZO's car (or maybe BISHOP's car) while he was distracted. As he falls in slow motion, he squeezes off a shot which hits DANIEL in the shoulder. We follow DANIEL to the ground, and he sits up with difficulty and leans against his car. He sees ROBIN standing over CARPAZO's body clutching the gun, still pointed at CARPAZO, shaking badly. She fires one more shot, but doesn't move. Clutching his shoulder, DANIEL speaks. As he speaks, she looks up at him, frightened.



Come on Robin, let's get out of here. You'll have to drive.



I-- I just--



I know. It's ok, you also saved our lives, and probably a lot more lives if we can get the truth out in time. But right now, let's *go*.


ROBIN swallows her fear, and walks towards DANIEL's car. As she passes DANIEL, she drops the gun. He picks it up and gets in the passenger seat, and the car pulls out. A high wide shot shows the two bodies lying next to the Jaguar (or Mercury Sable) as the Saab pulls away.