Daniel Thombs
September 3,1995

Our Lady of Fatima High School
Grade 10-1


     During my summer I went to Washington D.C. While I was there, I went to the Smithsonian. In the Smithsonian there were many things. There were exhibits on gold coins, old fashion communication systems, the history of airplanes and jets, and rocks and minerals. In one building there was a real stuffed elephant. It was neat.

     After the Smithsonian I went with my friend, who lives there, to the U.S. Capital. The security was very strict. I felt nervous every time I went through the metal detector. I kept thinking that my change would set it off. When I went to see the Senate and House of Representatives, the security was even stricter. Once when I was almost to the Senate a security guard said “Stop right there”. Then two guards carried out a man in handcuffs.

     I saw other things like the Washington Monument and the White House. I didn’t go in the White House but I went to the fence in front of it. I also saw things like the Vietnam Memorial and the Federal Bureau of Printing and Engraving. There were so many names on the Vietnam Memorial and I had never seen so much money in my life.

     This prepared me for Our Lady of Fatima High School because last year I learned about the government and now I put that knowledge to use. This year I think the same will happen.

     Another thing that I think will prepare me for Fatima is working on electronic pages for the Internet called Home Pages. These pages are created in a coded language that can be created in any word processor and is read by the Internet program. Pictures, text and links to other peoples Home Pages can be put into a Home Page. This will help me do better in my Computer Literacy class.

     Overall I plan to have a great year at Our Lady of Fatima High School and I feel that my summer has prepared me for it.