Halloween 2023 - Day 21


Drago: Looks like we left the auction empty handed.

Cael: Much like a casino, that's usually the best case scenario.

Cael: Suppose we should finally go through those Pokemon cards that we had to organize.

Drago: Hey, I got a Pikachu!

Cael: Of course you did. That's not really a rare one. Pitiful...

Drago: Well, what did you get in that case?

Cael: A teacup...and a kettle.

Drago: And somehow that's better?

Cael: You know what they say. Every kettle needs a cup.

Drago: I think it's: every kettle needs to be watched.

Cael: Regardless, I'm thoroughly confused. And why is there a kindergarten drawin on the packaging. Where is the quality control?

Eduard: You know, it's been fun dunking on the old axe and chain, but I think we need to play a little more fairly. Two on one is almost a majority.

Catskills: I know, I know. But I finally feel like I have some sort of self-identity, and taking the high ground just gets you walked over. It's a tricky spiral.

Eduard: Fair enough, but maybe throw something her way. A gift, bought or built. Your choice.

Catskills: Well, I did make this. I know how she loves cats that aren't me.

Eduard: Any reason foe the lack of eyes?

Catskills: Love is blind?

Eduard: There's too much room for misinterpretation. Here, use the leftover googly eyes from the picture frame project.

Catskills: This okay?

Eduard: Not really. She's going to accuse you of saying she has heterochromia.

Eduard: We'll make something a little more polished. I've had this the whole time.

Catskills: And you made me go through an entire conversation?

Eduard: I did
