Halloween 2024 - Day 30
Mail Call!
Cael: Who are you, and why is your head so massive?
Got no name, just delivering mail, and my craneum gives me superior mental abilities.
Cael: Well maybe work on your physical abilities. You dropped this on my foot.
That was part of the delivery instructions. Toodles!
Cael: Think we'll see him again this season?
Pumpkin Jack: Nope
Big Pumpy: We're under attack!
Cael: When? Now?
Big Pumpy: Two days ago!
Cael: That hardly seems like an emergency.
Big Pumpy: It is! I need to find something to twart the evil.
Big Pumpy: Gotta be something in this delivery.
Cael: By all means, help yourself
Big Pumpy: That's what I'm doing
Big Pumpy: Come on, come on... Give me something good...
Big Pumpy: Skittles? Ew, the shrieker edition. Pass.
Big Pumpy: These might be promising. Vintage items are a good bet.
Big Pumpy: Alright, let's see what we gots to work with.
Big Pumpy: Eh, cool. But we're fighting a floating head, not aligning with one.
Big Pumpy: Squishies? Too cute.
Big Pumpy: And...AH A GHOST!
Cael: It's me, you idiot!
Big Pumpy: Phew, close call. All comes down to these now.
Big Pumpy: Come on Astro Monster. Be the creature this trading cards wants you to be.
Big Pumpy: You're...
Big Pumpy: Adorable, but not much help unless we start fighting ants.
Big Pumpy: One last chance. I think we'll have a home town advantage with this one.
Big Pumpy: Very meta, but this is Trash Pack. Don't ever confuse the two.
Big Pumpy: Survey says...
Big Pumpy: ...
Cael: Well...what is it? It is useful?
Big Pumpy: To save our souls? No. But a roller skate is the high of style. Wheeeeeeeeeee!