1. Main page | 2. Detailed info

Personal stats

1  |Narc|
Last talked: 25.6.1999 22:01
Visits: 19
Status: Operator
Lines: 768
Days active: 11/15
Average lines per day: 70
Average letters per line: 29.5
Has given ops 13 times
Number of descriptions: 10
Topics set: 2
Question ratio: 17%
Exclamation ratio: 2.0%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 15 days  9 nicknames used  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  14.6.- 21.6.-
Other (5)
The latest lines
25.6.1999 21:46<|Narc|> malk, we don't know that yet
21:47<|Narc|> ok
21:47<|Narc|> there are a few missing from that pic
21:47<|Narc|> ok
22:01<|Narc|> format?
2 Grunt
Last talked: 25.6.1999 15:54
Visits: 9
Status: Operator
Lines: 603
Days active: 12/15
Average lines per day: 50
Average letters per line: 32.3
Has given ops 12 times
Has kicked out 3 people
Number of descriptions: 62
Topics set: 1
Question ratio: 3.2%
Exclamation ratio: 3.8%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 15 days  5 nicknames used  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  14.6.- 21.6.-
The latest lines
25.6.1999 15:45<|[-G-]|> @mp3 Korn - Dead Bodies Everywhere.mp3 (4548347 bytes 128kbps STEREO)
15:49<|[-G-]|> @mp3 Limp Bizkit - Nookie.mp3 (5326700 bytes 160kbps STEREO)
15:54<|[-G-]|> @mp3 Fuel - Mary Pretends.mp3 (3457058 bytes 128kbps STEREO)
3 Nitrog3n
Last talked: 25.6.1999 21:43
Visits: 12
Status: Operator
Lines: 383
Days active: 7/15
Average lines per day: 55
Average letters per line: 25.8
Has given ops 5 times
Number of descriptions: 16
Topics set: 2
CAPS ratio: 2.1%
Question ratio: 5.2%
Exclamation ratio: 9.4%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 15 days  3 nicknames used  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  14.6.- 21.6.-
The latest lines
25.6.1999 21:41<Nitrog3n> if you guys dont get some shit together soon.. paint me gone
21:42<Nitrog3n> i was under the assumption that you guys were going to actively work on getting the groundwork going
21:42<Nitrog3n> =\
21:43<Nitrog3n> um...
21:43<Nitrog3n> brb
4 Ma|k
Last talked: 25.6.1999 21:47
Visits: 5
Status: Operator
Lines: 368
Days active: 6/15
Average lines per day: 61
Average letters per line: 27.3
Has given ops 9 times
Has kicked out 1 people
Received a kicking 1 times
Number of descriptions: 12
Topics set: 2
CAPS ratio: 0.8%
Question ratio: 4.9%
Exclamation ratio: 3.0%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 15 days  5 nicknames used  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  14.6.- 21.6.-
The latest lines
25.6.1999 21:47<Ma|k> ill just take what i'm going to do as i think now
21:47<Ma|k> I'll do the CDC labs, the subway, and the docks
21:47<Ma|k> just put that down for me for now ok?
5 AgentJ
Last talked: 20.6.1999 18:58
Visits: 8
Status: Operator
Lines: 272
Days active: 6/15
Average lines per day: 45
Average letters per line: 34.6
Has given ops 9 times
Has kicked out 2 people
Topics set: 1
Question ratio: 12%
Exclamation ratio: 2.9%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 15 days  3 nicknames used  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  14.6.- 21.6.-
The latest lines
20.6.1999 18:54<AgentJ> narc, not yet :P my supper will be ready in a bit
18:54<AgentJ> lets set a time
18:54<AgentJ> say 8pm cst
18:54<AgentJ> its only 6pm cst here
18:57<AgentJ> I dunno :P
18:58<AgentJ> ?
18:58<AgentJ> narc, 2 hrs
6 s|33q
Last talked: 14.6.1999 22:04
Visits: 1
Status: Operator
Lines: 209
Days active: 1/15
Average lines per day: 209
Average letters per line: 25.9
Has kicked out 1 people
Received a kicking 1 times
Number of descriptions: 2
Question ratio: 7.2%
Exclamation ratio: 1.0%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 15 days  Chats mostly with:
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
  14.6.- 21.6.-
The latest lines
14.6.1999 22:00<s|33q> so it's vlear
22:00<s|33q> clear
22:03<s|33q> yes
22:04<s|33q> everything
22:04<s|33q> the development file
22:13*** s|33q is now known as mini-slee
7 |Blitz|
Last talked: 15.6.1999 15:12
Visits: 1
Status: Operator
Lines: 168
Days active: 2/15
Average lines per day: 84
Average letters per line: 49.2
Has given ops 3 times
Received a kicking 1 times
Question ratio: 15%
Exclamation ratio: 0.6%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 15 days  Chats mostly with:
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
  14.6.- 21.6.-
The latest lines
15.6.1999 15:07<PDC_Blitz> cool... what do you think so far? should they fit in with the story more?
15:08<PDC_Blitz> cool
15:08<PDC_Blitz> i'm not sure how many main characters/companions you guys wanted so i just threw some rough types out there
15:12<PDC_Blitz> great
8 sleepnevr
Last talked: 22.6.1999 20:56
Visits: 2
Status: Operator
Lines: 138
Days active: 2/15
Average lines per day: 69
Average letters per line: 30.4
Number of descriptions: 2
Question ratio: 8.7%
Exclamation ratio: 2.9%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 15 days  4 nicknames used  Chats mostly with:
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
  14.6.- 21.6.-
The latest lines
22.6.1999 20:55<SleepN> why does this guy care about fighting... or does he... and how can we control his abilities
20:55<SleepN> will he have limited weapon carrying and accuracy?
20:55<SleepN> bob is cool
20:55<SleepN> :)
20:56<SleepN> bob!
20:56<SleepN> bob.
20:56<SleepN> .....BOB
9 atsign
Last talked: 14.6.1999 21:47
Status: Operator
Lines: 99
Days active: 1/15
Average lines per day: 99
Average letters per line: 24.8
Number of descriptions: 2
CAPS ratio: 1.0%
Question ratio: 18%
Exclamation ratio: 4.0%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 15 days  Chats mostly with:
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
  14.6.- 21.6.-
The latest lines
14.6.1999 21:40<atsign> we prolly have hosting from www.lwgn.com
21:47<atsign> well, ill bbl
21:47<atsign> c-ya guys later
21:47<atsign> nice to be on the team =D
10 }Dann{
Country: United States
Last talked: 25.6.1999 21:46
Status: Operator
Lines: 97
Days active: 10/15
Average lines per day: 9.7
Average letters per line: 24.6
Has given ops 47 times
Has kicked out 1 people
Topics set: 1
Question ratio: 2.1%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 15 days  6 nicknames used  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

  14.6.- 21.6.-
Other (2)
The latest lines
25.6.1999 21:46<}Dann{> wait, is agent still doing the website
21:46<}Dann{> hmm
21:46<}Dann{> well if he can't do that send me something and I can take over that if you want
11  |[-B-]|
Last talked: 21.6.1999 18:16
Visits: 2
Status: Operator
Lines: 78
Days active: 3/15
Average lines per day: 26
Average letters per line: 32.1
Has given ops 1 times
Number of descriptions: 1
Topics set: 6
CAPS ratio: 1.3%
Question ratio: 18%
Exclamation ratio: 3.8%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 15 days  Chats mostly with:
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
  14.6.- 21.6.-
The latest lines
21.6.1999 18:16<|[-B-]|> daddy g funk, in da house :)
18:16<|[-B-]|> hey, you want the updated character files?
22.6.1999 17:24*** |[-B-]| has joined #infinitemonkeys
17:48*** |[-B-]| has joined #infinitemonkeys
18:27*** |[-B-]| has joined #infinitemonkeys
12 N-Busy
Last talked: 14.6.1999 22:08
Status: Operator
Lines: 61
Days active: 1/15
Average lines per day: 61
Average letters per line: 27.5
Received a kicking 1 times
Number of descriptions: 5
Question ratio: 3.3%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 15 days  Chats mostly with:
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
  14.6.- 21.6.-
The latest lines
14.6.1999 22:05<N-Busy> so i'm doing like 5 things at once
22:08<N-Busy> phew
22:08* N-Busy wipes some sweat off his brow and continues to work diligently on diald
22:08<N-Busy> <minimized>
13 WstrnGrrl
Last talked: 20.6.1999 20:11
Visits: 2
Status: Operator
Lines: 34
Days active: 1/15
Average lines per day: 34
Average letters per line: 28.3
Received a kicking 4 times
Number of descriptions: 1
Question ratio: 15%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 15 days  3 nicknames used  Chats mostly with:
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
  14.6.- 21.6.-
The latest lines
20.6.1999 20:53*** WstrnGrrl was kicked by |[-G-]| (.)
20:53*** WstrnAG has joined #infinitemonkeys
20:53*** WstrnGrrl was kicked by |[-G-]| (WstrnAG)
14 |[-M-]|
Last talked: 20.6.1999 18:47
Status: Operator
Lines: 18
Days active: 1/15
Average lines per day: 18
Average letters per line: 19.1
Has given ops 1 times
CAPS ratio: 5.6%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 15 days
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
  14.6.- 21.6.-
The latest lines
20.6.1999 18:42<|[-M-]|> thats cool
18:42<|[-M-]|> and i have it
18:43<|[-M-]|> hah
18:43<|[-M-]|> BOOBTROPOLIS
18:45<|[-M-]|> lmao http://www.tooninter.net/lib2.htm
18:47<|[-M-]|> heh
18:47*** |[-M-]| is now known as Ma|k
15 GabeN
Last talked: 22.6.1999 20:48
Status: Normal user
Lines: 11
Days active: 1/15
Average lines per day: 11
Average letters per line: 28.1
Exclamation ratio: 18%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 15 days
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
  14.6.- 21.6.-
The latest lines
22.6.1999 20:47<GabeN> and then wrap more story around it
20:47<GabeN> thats what i did for the game i was working on
20:48<GabeN> ..
20:48<GabeN> *blink blink*
20:48*** GabeN is now known as SleepN
16 Hitch
Last talked: 16.6.1999 19:35
Visits: 3
Status: Operator
Lines: 9
Days active: 2/15
Average lines per day: 4.5
Average letters per line: 23.1
Has given ops 1 times
Question ratio: 22%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 15 days  Chats mostly with:
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
  14.6.- 21.6.-
The latest lines
15.6.1999 20:07*** Hitch has joined #infinitemonkeys
16.6.1999 18:58*** Hitch has joined #infinitemonkeys
18:58<Hitch> Take no Prisoners?
18:59<Hitch> isnt that old
18:59<Hitch> ah
19:33*** Hitch has joined #infinitemonkeys
19:35<Hitch> ?
22:36*** Hitch has joined #infinitemonkeys
17 HellPhish
Last talked: 25.6.1999 17:26
Visits: 1
Status: Normal user
Lines: 6
Days active: 1/15
Average lines per day: 6.0
Average letters per line: 11.3
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 15 days  Chats mostly with:
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
  14.6.- 21.6.-
The latest lines
24.6.1999 23:12*** HellPhish has joined #infinitemonkeys
25.6.1999 16:57*** HellPhish has joined #infinitemonkeys
17:23<HellPhish> I have w0od
17:23<HellPhish> I have w0od
17:23<HellPhish> I have w0od
17:23<HellPhish> I have w0od
17:23<HellPhish> I have w0od
17:26<HellPhish> good for wood
18 |[-F-]|
Last talked: 20.6.1999 18:31
Status: Normal user
Lines: 1
Days active: 1/15
Average lines per day: 1.0
Average letters per line: 3.00
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 15 days
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
  14.6.- 21.6.-
The latest lines
20.6.1999 18:31<|[-F-]|> heh
18:37*** |[-F-]| is now known as Dann|AWAY
19 SteveJobs
Last talked: 22.6.1999 20:45
Status: Normal user
Lines: 1
Days active: 1/15
Average lines per day: 1.0
Average letters per line: 18.0
CAPS ratio: 100%
Exclamation ratio: 100%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 15 days
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
  14.6.- 21.6.-
The latest lines
22.6.1999 20:45<SteveJobs> GET TO WORK BITCH!
20:45*** SteveJobs is now known as Ma|k
20 shleep
Last talked: 24.6.1999 22:36
Status: Normal user
Lines: 1
Days active: 1/15
Average lines per day: 1.0
Average letters per line: 4.00
Topics set: 1
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 15 days
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
  14.6.- 21.6.-
The latest lines
24.6.1999 22:36<shleep> rofl
22:36*** shleep is now known as Ma|k

#infinitemonkeys's short line writers

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 Grunt  162 "np"
2 |Narc|  140 "cya"
3 Nitrog3n  125 "uh"
4 Ma|k  97 "=P"
5 s|33q  55 "ah"
6 AgentJ  37 "oh"
7 atsign  30 "neato"
8 |Blitz|  28 "70?"
9 }Dann{  27 "cool"
10 sleepnevr  24 ":P"

Top 3 referred people

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 Grunt  4 <|Narc|> grunt, are joo there?
2 atsign  4 <|Narc|> atsign, what is your best skill?
3 sleepnevr  2 <Nitrog3n> sleep-fdp: well.. how good of a team, its all relative :)

Top 7 smiley using guys on #infinitemonkeys

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 |Blitz|  16 "yeah yeah, i haven't been in irc in 6 months, gimme a gawddamn break :)"
2 Nitrog3n  15 ":)"
3 |[-B-]|  11 "don't laugh, that's a real character :)"
4 s|33q  8 "we all do website work ;)"
5 sleepnevr  4 "thats not hostile thats forceful :) which is a good thing"
6 AgentJ  4 "I still call #3dgamers home tho ;D"
7 N-Busy  2 ":)"

Big Numbers

|Narc| needs to get a better connection - joined #infinitemonkeys 19 times during this reporting period...
Grunt kicked a total of 3 people from #infinitemonkeys, more than anyone else.
 20.6.1999 20:11 <WstrnGrrl> it'll all end up as g3d
20.6.1999 20:53 *** WstrnGrrl was kicked by |[-G-]| (WstrnAG)
}Dann{ was #infinitemonkeys's op-fairy, giving out 47 ops.
|Narc| was uncertain about many things - 17% of lines contained a question.

|Blitz| was also looking for answers with a question ratio of 15%.

Grunt spoke the most monologues - wrote over 5 lines in a row 5 times...
Nitrog3n had a sticky shift button - wrote 8 lines in CAPS.
 20.6.1999 19:10 <Nitrog3n> CRUSH!!!!
Channel activity peak: 8 people were active on 14.6.1999 20:10 - 20:20
Active during these 10 minutes were (in order of appearance):
 |Blitz|, Nitrog3n, Grunt, s|33q, |Narc|, AgentJ, N-Busy, Hitch
|Blitz| didn't know when to stop typing, averaging 49 letters per line.

(typically people used 32 letters per line in #infinitemonkeys)

People with the most nicknames (still haven't found the best one, |Narc|...)
|Narc|9 Nicks |Narc|(68%), Nar-bbiaf(15%), Narc-MAP(13%), Nar-bbl(1.2%), Nar-story(0.9%), Narc-(0.5%), Nar-TNP(0.3%), NarcZZzz(0.0%), Narc-away(0.0%)
Ma|k5 Nicks Ma|k(88%), [-Ma|k-](8.7%), Ma|ky(1.4%), Ma|k`(1.1%), Ma|k-uss(0.0%)
Grunt5 Nicks |[-G-]|(97%), Grunt|CS(1.7%), Grun|AWAY(1.3%), Grunt|CIV(0.0%), Grunt(0.0%)
sleepnevr4 Nicks sleep-fdp(86%), SleepN(12%), sleep-afk(1.4%), sleepnevr(0.0%)
Nitrog3n3 Nicks Nitrog3n(88%), NitroLurk(11%), Nitrog3n_(0.5%)

Chat partners

(they really like talking to each other...)

1 |Narc|Grunt
2 |Narc|Nitrog3n
3 |Narc|AgentJ
4 Ma|kNitrog3n
5 AgentJGrunt
6 Nitrog3nGrunt
7 Ma|k|Narc|
8 Ma|kGrunt
9 |Blitz|Grunt
10 |Blitz||Narc|

Active day counts

Most days active

  Nick Number of days First seen
1 Grunt  12 11.6.1999
2 |Narc|  11 11.6.1999
3 }Dann{  10 11.6.1999
4 Nitrog3n  7 14.6.1999
5 AgentJ  6 14.6.1999
6 Ma|k  6 16.6.1999
7 |[-B-]|  3 19.6.1999

Most consecutive days active
  Nick Number of days At
1 Grunt  9 14.6. - 22.6.1999
2 }Dann{  5 18.6. - 22.6.1999
3 AgentJ  3 14.6. - 16.6.1999
4 |[-B-]|  3 19.6. - 21.6.1999
5 |Narc|  3 14.6. - 16.6.1999

Activity distribution


Lines per day Number of days
1 (6.7%)
0 (0%)
1 (6.7%)
1 (6.7%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
10 (67%)
2 (13%)

Average line lengths

Line length Count Nicks
48.. 1 |Blitz|(49.2)
45..47 0 -
42..44 0 -
39..41 0 -
36..38 0 -
33..35 1 AgentJ(34.6)
30..32 2 Grunt(32.3), sleepnevr(30.4)
27..29 2 |Narc|(29.5), Ma|k(27.3)
..26 2 s|33q(25.9), Nitrog3n(25.8)

Not displaying nicks with less than 100 lines

Most used words

Count Word Last used by At
94 "nitro" Ma|k 24.6.1999 22:50
66 "would" |Narc| 25.6.1999 21:44
65 "about" sleepnevr 22.6.1999 20:55
60 "right" |Narc| 25.6.1999 21:41
59 "thats" Ma|k 25.6.1999 21:39
57 "story" Nitrog3n 22.6.1999 20:55
56 "there" |Narc| 25.6.1999 21:47
53 "think" Ma|k 25.6.1999 21:47
49 "sleep" |Narc| 25.6.1999 21:45
41 "really" |Narc| 25.6.1999 21:44

These people talk in their own (strange) language...
Count Nick Randomly selected sample (amount)
22 Grunt "bytes"(17), "STEREO"(17), "offer"(4), "girls"(3), "thank"(3), "hmmmm"(3), "Africa"(3), ...
9 |Narc| "since"(6), "paste"(3), "updates"(4), "prefabs"(3), "somebody"(4), "comments"(3), ...
3 |Blitz| "workin"(3), "otherwise"(3), "suggestion"(3)
3 Ma|k "complex"(3), "automatic"(3), "conversion"(3)
2 AgentJ "current"(4), "reconnect"(4)

These pairs like to talk in their own special language
Count Nicks Randomly selected sample (amount)
13 |Narc| and Ma|k "bunch"(4), "parts"(3), "subway"(4), "stupid"(4), "decide"(3), "between"(4), "seconds"(3), ...
11 |Narc| and Grunt "front"(6), "found"(4), "early"(3), "sister"(4), "bought"(3), "across"(3), "easily"(3), ...
9 |Narc| and |Blitz| "lemme"(5), "break"(3), "stick"(3), "alright"(6), "viruses"(5), "strange"(3), "important"(5), ...
8 Grunt and Ma|k "broom"(6), "Drive"(4), "inches"(4), "faster"(3), "dik-dik"(6), "3dsmax"(4), "Microsoft"(5), ...
7 Grunt and Nitrog3n "arent"(6), "jesus"(3), "white"(3), "doesnt"(5), "friends"(3), "successful"(3), ...
6 |Narc| and Nitrog3n "comes"(4), "crushed"(5), "Anybody"(3), "confused"(3), "everybody"(5), "confusing"(3)
5 AgentJ and s|33q "board"(6), "radar"(4), "short"(3), "credits"(3), "developed"(3)
5 |Narc| and AgentJ "plain"(3), "track"(3), "supper"(3), "e-mails"(3), "graphics"(3)
4 Nitrog3n and |Blitz| "rough"(13), "agree"(3), "possible"(3), "background"(3)
3 Grunt and AgentJ "couple"(4), "gen3d"(3), "dumbass"(6)

URL Tracking

20 latest URLs from #infinitemonkeys

At URL Nick
24.6.1999 16:59http://www.lomgoat.bc.ca/wc2g3d.htm|Narc|
22.6.1999 20:29http://3dshack.com/cgi-bin/pic.cgi?iotd/friends.jpgNitrog3n
20.6.1999 21:36http://tnt.turner.com/movies/tntoriginals/pirates/html/form16.htmlGrunt
 First mentioned by |[-M-]| on 20.6.1999 18:45.
19.6.1999 22:16http://www.genesis3d.com/gdemo1/shot16.gif|Narc|
18.6.1999 22:15www.halflife.net/mod/files/counterstrike/cstrike_v1.zip|Narc|

28 unique URLs collected since 14.6.1999

1. Main page2. Detailed info
Daily statsPersonal stats
Hourly statsCustom stats
Weekly statsBIG numbers
User statsChat partners
Time of day statsActive days
Relation mapActivity distribution
TopicsLine lengths
 Word stats
URL tracking

mIRCStats v1.25 © Mikko "Ave" Auvinen.