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Personal stats

1  }Dann{
Country: United States
Last talked: 10.9.1999 21:39
Status: Operator
Lines: 1810
Active days: 77/251
Average lines per day: 24
Average letters per line: 33.8
Has given ops 10 times
Has kicked out 1 people
Received a kicking 1 times
Number of descriptions: 1
Topics set: 4
Question ratio: 1.2%
Exclamation ratio: 0.9%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Number of nicks used: 22  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Other (18)
The latest lines
30.9.1999 20:45*** }Dann{ is now known as Dann|AWAY
1.10.1999 20:22*** }Dann{ is now known as Dann|AWAY
2.10.1999 16:09*** }Dann{ is now known as Dann|AWAY
18:16*** }Dann{ is now known as Dann|AWAY
3.10.1999 21:20*** }Dann{ is now known as Dann|AWAY
5.10.1999 13:16*** }Dann{ is now known as Dann|AWAY
22:03*** }Dann{ is now known as Dann|AWAY
7.10.1999 13:40*** }Dann{ is now known as Dann|AWAY
15:49*** }Dann{ is now known as Dann|AWAY
20:23*** }Dann{ is now known as Dann|AWAY
2 [Butane]
Last talked: 30.9.1999 20:32
Visits: 205
Status: Operator
Lines: 491
Active days: 74/251
Average lines per day: 6.6
Average letters per line: 32.7
Has given ops 29 times
Has kicked out 2 people
Received a kicking 5 times
Number of descriptions: 101
Topics set: 2
CAPS ratio: 1.8%
Question ratio: 8.4%
Exclamation ratio: 28%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Number of nicks used: 9  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
 20.9.- 27.9.- 4.10.-
Other (5)
The latest lines
30.9.1999 20:31<[Butane]> probably
20:32<[Butane]> I'm prettysure there are ugh. a few master servers and shit.
20:32<[Butane]> dunno
3 WstrnGrrl
Last talked: 22.7.1999 20:38
Visits: 17
Status: Operator
Lines: 444
Active days: 13/251
Average lines per day: 34
Average letters per line: 26.6
Number of descriptions: 1
CAPS ratio: 0.9%
Question ratio: 11%
Exclamation ratio: 0.7%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Number of nicks used: 4  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
22.7.1999 20:38<WstrnGrrl> and you need real gl support
20:38<WstrnGrrl> not fake wrapped support
20.8.1999 19:33*** WstrnGrrl has joined #kingpin
29.8.1999 21:45*** WstrnGrrl has joined #kingpin
4 Zi\\a
Last talked: 6.10.1999 0:16
Visits: 141
Status: Founder
Lines: 379
Active days: 153/251
Average lines per day: 2.5
Average letters per line: 21.1
Has given ops 335 times
Received a kicking 2 times
Number of descriptions: 699
Topics set: 7
Question ratio: 9.5%
Exclamation ratio: 2.9%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Number of nicks used: 12  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Other (8)
The latest lines
5.10.1999 23:44* Zi\\a is [AWAY] -[After 30 mins.]- [P/ON]
23:44*** Zi\\a is now known as Zi|AFK
6.10.1999 0:16* Zi|AFK is [AWAY] -[After 30 mins.]- [P/ON]
5 mordrid
Last talked: 27.9.1999 0:38
Visits: 55
Status: Operator
Lines: 207
Active days: 18/251
Average lines per day: 12
Average letters per line: 16.9
Has given ops 3 times
Number of descriptions: 5
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
 20.9.- 27.9.- 4.10.-
The latest lines
29.9.1999 12:02*** mordrid has joined #kingpin
17:21*** mordrid has joined #kingpin
30.9.1999 19:39*** mordrid has joined #kingpin
3.10.1999 22:19*** mordrid has joined #kingpin
5.10.1999 22:52*** mordrid has joined #kingpin
23:43*** mordrid has joined #kingpin
7.10.1999 18:44*** mordrid has joined #kingpin
19:47*** mordrid has joined #kingpin
20:26*** mordrid has joined #kingpin
21:14*** mordrid has joined #kingpin
6 DeAdWaStE
Last talked: 20.9.1999 18:05
Visits: 16
Status: Operator
Lines: 159
Active days: 15/251
Average lines per day: 11
Average letters per line: 13.3
Has given ops 1 times
Number of descriptions: 1
Topics set: 1
CAPS ratio: 3.8%
Question ratio: 16%
Exclamation ratio: 4.4%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Number of nicks used: 4  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
 20.9.- 27.9.- 4.10.-
The latest lines
20.9.1999 17:54*** DeAdWaStE has joined #kingpin
18:05<DeAdWaStE> hi
3.10.1999 22:59*** DeAdWaStE has joined #kingpin
7 H_A_V_O_C
Last talked: 24.7.1999 9:33
Visits: 9
Status: Normal user
Lines: 119
Active days: 9/251
Average lines per day: 13
Average letters per line: 14.0
CAPS ratio: 2.5%
Question ratio: 2.5%
Exclamation ratio: 4.2%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Number of nicks used: 5  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
24.7.1999 9:16*** {_HaVoC_} has joined #kingpin
9:32<{_HaVoC_}> dose zilla ever talk
9:32<{_HaVoC_}> o
9:33<{_HaVoC_}> never seen him talk
8 Chuck15
Last talked: 1.7.1999 17:45
Visits: 8
Status: Operator
Lines: 117
Active days: 8/251
Average lines per day: 15
Average letters per line: 34.3
Question ratio: 1.7%
Exclamation ratio: 0.9%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Number of nicks used: 4  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
1.7.1999 17:37<Chuck16> well have you checked your controls
17:45<Chuck16> whats the other way of having servers for it than registered gamespy version
21:12*** Chuck16 has joined #kingpin
3.7.1999 19:22*** Chuck16 has joined #kingpin
9 KaNe_
Last talked: 13.7.1999 19:55
Visits: 7
Status: Normal user
Lines: 110
Active days: 3/251
Average lines per day: 37
Average letters per line: 23.1
CAPS ratio: 2.7%
Question ratio: 12%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
13.7.1999 19:55<KaNe_> hey can someone come to #hotmp3 im testin something plz
19:55<KaNe_> anyone here
19:55<KaNe_> HELLO
20:13*** KaNe_ has joined #kingpin
20:18*** KaNe_ has joined #kingpin
20:50*** KaNe_ has joined #kingpin
16.7.1999 20:46*** KaNe_ has joined #kingpin
21:14*** KaNe_ has joined #kingpin
18.7.1999 19:42*** KaNe_ has joined #kingpin
10 Valkyr
Last talked: 13.5.1999 21:33
Visits: 40
Status: Voiced user
Lines: 95
Active days: 44/251
Average lines per day: 2.2
Average letters per line: 41.8
Has given ops 21 times
Has kicked out 1 people
Received a kicking 1 times
Exclamation ratio: 98%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Number of nicks used: 2  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
13.5.1999 21:23<Valkyr> [[Butane]] To know me is to love me, punk!
21:24<Valkyr> [[Butane]] To know me is to love me, punk!
21:33<Valkyr> [[Butane]] To know me is to love me, punk!
11  _dopehat_
Last talked: 10.8.1999 22:53
Visits: 5
Status: Normal user
Lines: 87
Active days: 6/251
Average lines per day: 14
Average letters per line: 16.3
Question ratio: 13%
Exclamation ratio: 1.1%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Number of nicks used: 2  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
27.7.1999 18:22<_dopehat_> where are u
10.8.1999 22:53*** _dopehat_ has joined #kingpin
22:53<_dopehat_> :P
12 sleepnevr
Last talked: 20.2.1999 17:15
Visits: 6
Status: Operator
Lines: 80
Active days: 5/251
Average lines per day: 16
Average letters per line: 20.4
Question ratio: 7.5%
Exclamation ratio: 1.3%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Number of nicks used: 4  Chats mostly with:
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
20.2.1999 17:15*** sleep-b has joined #kingpin
17:15<sleep-b> ahaha
17:15<sleep-b> too keen huh
17:15<sleep-b> ..mwaha
17:15<sleep-b> =)
17:15<sleep-b> ..
19:35*** sleep-b has quit IRC (Ping timeout for sleep-b[user-38ld3dt.dialup.mindspring.com])
13 Winder
Last talked: 24.7.1999 15:22
Visits: 1
Status: Normal user
Lines: 68
Active days: 3/251
Average lines per day: 23
Average letters per line: 11.6
CAPS ratio: 1.5%
Question ratio: 37%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
18.7.1999 19:14<Winder> bye
24.7.1999 15:22*** Winder has joined #kingpin
15:22<Winder> anyone for a game ???
Last talked: 9.7.1999 19:39
Visits: 1
Status: Normal user
Lines: 56
Active days: 1/251
Average lines per day: 56
Average letters per line: 9.04
Received a kicking 1 times
CAPS ratio: 1.8%
Question ratio: 21%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
9.7.1999 19:38<PLUTO`> whas
19:38<PLUTO`> up
19:38<PLUTO`> we play or not?
19:38<PLUTO`> you come
19:38<PLUTO`> ?
19:38<PLUTO`> ok
19:38<PLUTO`> jay
19:38<PLUTO`> you to?
19:39<PLUTO`> ready
19:39<PLUTO`> go
15 SolidMech
Last talked: 11.8.1999 22:25
Status: Normal user
Lines: 54
Active days: 2/251
Average lines per day: 27
Average letters per line: 22.9
Question ratio: 9.3%
Exclamation ratio: 5.6%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Number of nicks used: 2  Chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
11.8.1999 21:30<SolidMech> i must have missed this door
21:30<SolidMech> i will look some more
22:25<SolidMech> -[ KuBe ]- with the y key
16 Spawk
Last talked: 17.7.1999 21:11
Visits: 2
Status: Normal user
Lines: 53
Active days: 1/251
Average lines per day: 53
Average letters per line: 22.3
Received a kicking 2 times
Exclamation ratio: 1.9%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
17.7.1999 21:11<Spawk> hehe, i gotta go play it now that it worx
21:11<Spawk> bye, thanx for the file anywys
21:11<Spawk> =)
18.7.1999 16:01*** Spawk has joined #kingpin
17 Ladama[G]
Last talked: 22.3.1999 17:48
Visits: 1
Status: Normal user
Lines: 53
Active days: 2/251
Average lines per day: 26
Average letters per line: 22.5
CAPS ratio: 1.9%
Question ratio: 17%
Exclamation ratio: 1.9%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Number of nicks used: 2  Chats mostly with:
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
22.3.1999 17:45<Lad[G]-HL> declaw a cat ? whats that ?
17:45<Lad[G]-HL> never mind :=-)
17:45<Lad[G]-HL> got it
17:45<Lad[G]-HL> hehe
17:48<Lad[G]-HL> Krezor where are you downloadig from ?
18 darcuss
Last talked: 1.7.1999 17:39
Visits: 3
Status: Normal user
Lines: 49
Active days: 3/251
Average lines per day: 16
Average letters per line: 38.2
Question ratio: 18%
Exclamation ratio: 2.0%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Number of nicks used: 2  Chats mostly with:
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
1.7.1999 17:37<darcuss> croutch and use the "use" key'
17:39<darcuss> it's use, not search
2.7.1999 21:59*** darcuss has joined #kingpin
19 Sk8Demon
Last talked: 22.7.1999 20:17
Visits: 1
Status: Normal user
Lines: 44
Active days: 2/251
Average lines per day: 22
Average letters per line: 16.3
Number of descriptions: 1
CAPS ratio: 4.5%
Question ratio: 25%
Exclamation ratio: 2.3%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
14.7.1999 22:30<Sk8Demon> nevermind :)
22.7.1999 20:17*** Sk8Demon has joined #kingpin
20:17<Sk8Demon> skooby dooooooo
20 Quaxtro
Last talked: 19.4.1999 16:14
Status: Normal user
Lines: 43
Active days: 1/251
Average lines per day: 43
Average letters per line: 32.4
CAPS ratio: 4.7%
Question ratio: 14%
Exclamation ratio: 26%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
19.4.1999 16:13<Quaxtro> No matter where or how far I went the characters followed or at least waited for me to return !
16:14<Quaxtro> True........Kingpin kicks ass !!!
22:10*** Quaxtro has joined #kingpin

Top 10 smiley using guys on #kingpin

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 Ladama[G]  9 "that's not the point :-)"
2 Daffy_D  8 "I have to activate it..... And it pops up :)..."
3 WstrnGrrl  7 "at different locations ;)"
4 }Dann{  5 "I get to beta test :)"
5 Skaman  3 "ya i know ;)"
6 Sk8Demon  3 ";-)"
7 Roadkill3  3 "ok, thx anyway... :)"
8 KaNe_  3 "voddoo 3 wicked :)"
9 DErAileD  3 ":-)"
10 DeAdWaStE  3 "i like it back when they were 5 :)"

#kingpin's short line writers

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 }Dann{  198 "mmm"
2 Zi\\a  108 "omg"
3 WstrnGrrl  69 "heh"
4 [Butane]  63 ".."
5 mordrid  58 "lol"
6 DeAdWaStE  52 "uhm"
7 H_A_V_O_C  38 "yes"
8 PLUTO`  26 "up"
9 Winder  24 "arghh"
10 _dopehat_  22 "cool"

Big Numbers

[Butane] needs to get a better connection - joined #kingpin 205 times during this reporting period...
Most custom quit messages
Nick percentage Sample Quote
1. Zi\\a 42.6 % f0k j0
V had the kicking boots on, using them on 12 people in #kingpin.
 30.12.1899 0:00
6.2.1999 18:56 *** Myself was kicked by V (flood)

Also kM- tried to look cool by kicking out 3 people.

[Butane] didn't get it the first time and got kicked out for 5 times.
 5.3.1999 19:11 <[Butane]> haha
6.3.1999 15:07 *** [Butane] was kicked by Valkyr (banned)
[Butane] liked to say "Kick", doing so 7 times.
People in #kingpin probably wish [Butane] had a "mute" button - as this individual shouted 28% of the time!
Zi\\a gave the most ops - actually 335 of them.

}Dann{ behaved badly and got deopped 3 times.
DeAdWaStE was uncertain about many things - 16% of lines contained a question.

KaNe_ was also looking for answers with a question ratio of 12%.

}Dann{ didn't have anyone to talk to and performed 21 monologues (writing over 5 lines in a row).
}Dann{ forgot to turn off the CAPS-lock, writing 3 lines in CAPS.
 2.6.1999 17:45 <Dann-> THE LAMER IS }Dann{
7.2.1999 22:01 was a busy time for #kingpin - 6 people active
Active users during this 1-minute period were (in order of appearance):
 Stace, }Dann{, Ma|k, antigerL, Zi\\a, jail_bait
Chuck15 wrote the longest lines - average of 34 letters per line.

Average line length on #kingpin was 24 letters.

Total net split count: 9. On average that is 0.25 splits per week

Longest net split occurred on 21.2.1999 19:57 and lasted for 553 h 25 min (3 people dropped during this split)

The most people (6) dropped on 3.2.1999 20:42. This split lasted for 0 min.
People with the most nicknames (still haven't found the best one, }Dann{...)
}Dann{22 Nicks }Dann{(50%), Dann|AWAY(46%), Dann|Coma(1.7%), Dnnn(1.0%), DannStats(0.5%), Dann-(0.2%), Dann|Flsh(0.1%), Dann|DL(0.0%), Dan|Flsh4(0.0%), DanCement(0.0%), Dann|GTA2(0.0%), DannyBoy(0.0%), Dann|ACRO(0.0%), Dann|UT(0.0%), Dann|d-L(0.0%), Dann|ART(0.0%), Dannium(0.0%), Dann|TFC(0.0%), GQ-Dann(0.0%), Dan|Satan(0.0%), Dann5Mayo(0.0%), DannFlash(0.0%)
Zi\\a12 Nicks Zi\\a(87%), Zi|AFK(11%), [Z]i\\a(0.3%), Ziploc(0.3%), zil0r(0.0%), Zi\\\\\\a(0.0%), Zi|CS(0.0%), Zi\\\\\\\(0.0%), Zi\\eroo(0.0%), Zi|DEAD(0.0%), Zi|Shroom(0.0%), zilla(0.0%)
[Butane]9 Nicks [Butane](100%), [Butane(0.0%), [But|TEN](0.0%), [Butabe](0.0%), [Butane]|(0.0%), [But|zZz](0.0%), [Butayne](0.0%), [ButHEAT](0.0%), [Butane]`(0.0%)
H_A_V_O_C5 Nicks |_HaVoC_|(40%), H_A_V_O_C(40%), H-A-V-O-C(16%), {_HaVoC_}(2.5%), H|A|V|O|C(0.8%)
Chuck154 Nicks Chuck15(91%), Chuck16(8.5%), Chuck|CS(0.0%), Chuck|TFC(0.0%)

Chat partners

(they really like talking to each other...)

1 Zi\\amordrid
2 Zi\\aChuck15
3 Zi\\a}Dann{
4 KaNe_WstrnGrrl
5 [Butane]}Dann{
6 DeAdWaStE}Dann{
7 Zi\\a[Butane]
8 WstrnGrrl}Dann{
9 LbX_dopehat_
10 _dopehat_Zi\\a

Active day counts

Most days active

  Nick Number of days First seen
1 Zi\\a  153 30.1.1999
2 }Dann{  77 30.1.1999
3 [Butane]  74 30.1.1999
4 Valkyr  44 2.2.1999
5 mordrid  18 7.7.1999
6 DeAdWaStE  15 15.3.1999
7 WstrnGrrl  13 6.7.1999
8 H_A_V_O_C  9 6.7.1999
9 Kon-TrasT  8 1.7.1999
10 LbX  8 9.7.1999
11 Chuck15  8 21.3.1999
12 _dopehat_  6 14.7.1999
13 sleepnevr  5 2.2.1999
14 Ma|k  5 6.2.1999
15 NoCarrier  5 19.6.1999
16 DErAileD  5 15.3.1999
17 mrman187  3 1.4.1999
18 AgentOrng  3 23.3.1999
19 Winder  3 17.7.1999
20 oday  3 10.7.1999

Most consecutive days active
  Nick Number of days At
1 Zi\\a  14 6.4. - 19.4.1999
2 }Dann{  9 30.1. - 7.2.1999
3 [Butane]  8 30.1. - 6.2.1999
4 WstrnGrrl  7 9.7. - 15.7.1999
5 Valkyr  6 17.3. - 22.3.1999
6 H_A_V_O_C  4 9.7. - 12.7.1999
7 Chuck15  3 21.3. - 23.3.1999
8 mordrid  3 18.7. - 20.7.1999
9 Ma|k  3 6.2. - 8.2.1999

Activity distribution

1/1999 - 10/1999

Lines per day Number of days
1 (0.4%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
1 (0.4%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
1 (0.4%)
2 (0.8%)
4 (1.6%)
4 (1.6%)
6 (2.4%)
19 (7.6%)
137 (55%)
76 (30%)

Average line lengths

Line length Count Nicks
33.. 2 Chuck15(34.3), }Dann{(33.8)
30..32 1 [Butane](32.7)
27..29 0 -
24..26 1 WstrnGrrl(26.6)
21..23 2 KaNe_(23.1), Zi\\a(21.1)
18..20 0 -
15..17 1 mordrid(16.9)
..14 2 H_A_V_O_C(14.0), DeAdWaStE(13.3)

Not displaying nicks with less than 100 lines

Most used words

Count Word Last used by At
549 "Kingpin" helpme_ 3.10.1999 22:47
289 "Half-life" popbottle 2.7.1999 23:50
230 "DukeNukem" [Butane] 6.2.1999 18:56
180 "there" RedJesus- 30.9.1999 20:35
178 "anyone" [KasK] 7.10.1999 14:23
165 "charla" }Dann{ 6.2.1999 18:56
165 "puntas" }Dann{ 6.2.1999 18:56
165 "#half-life" }Dann{ 6.2.1999 18:56
165 "sitio" }Dann{ 6.2.1999 18:56
165 "tonto" }Dann{ 6.2.1999 18:56

Who has their own private vocabulary?
Count Nick Randomly selected sample (amount)
34 [Butane] "macro"(46), "master"(15), "birth"(9), "steals"(7), "shell"(4), "Dieee"(4), "Bornnn"(6), ...
33 }Dann{ "Trivia"(51), "charla"(165), "humped"(43), "legged"(38), "puntas"(165), "sneeze"(38), ...
17 WstrnGrrl "order"(6), "switch"(7), "manual"(4), "bodies"(4), "others"(4), "corner"(3), "colour"(3), ...
5 mordrid "spork"(4), "awhile"(3), "updatin"(3), "requiem"(3), "thinking"(4)
2 Sk8Demon "smart"(3), "motha"(3)
2 Valkyr "Butayne"(21), "fux0rs"(23)
2 Zi\\a "email"(5), "PlanetQuake"(3)

These pairs have a language all to themselves
Count Nicks Randomly selected sample (amount)
14 }Dann{ and Zi\\a "table"(6), "click"(5), "party"(4), "latest"(7), "phone"(3), "behind"(6), "basic"(3), "gotten"(3), ...
10 }Dann{ and [Butane] "dance"(45), "doomed"(152), "Marine"(153), "alien"(10), "while"(4), "gives"(3), "script"(4), ...
8 }Dann{ and Chuck15 "money"(11), "quite"(4), "added"(3), "picture"(6), "enough"(3), "shotgun"(5), "getright"(6), ...
8 WstrnGrrl and Zi\\a "round"(4), "tells"(3), "gimme"(3), "mention"(7), "number"(4), "parties"(3), "Win98"(3), ...
7 }Dann{ and WstrnGrrl "console"(22), "sneak"(6), "cheap"(3), "turned"(6), "crashes"(4), "different"(7), ...
6 WstrnGrrl and H_A_V_O_C "cheats"(16), "running"(11), "batman"(6), "skinz"(3), "SPLIFF"(5), "autoexec.cfg"(7)
5 [Butane] and WstrnGrrl "piece"(10), "based"(6), "crash"(4), "access"(5), "Perhaps"(3)
5 WstrnGrrl and KaNe_ "legal"(5), "david"(5), "radiant"(4), "32bit"(4), "internet"(5)
4 }Dann{ and sleepnevr "early"(6), "tribes"(6), "except"(3), "corners"(3)
4 WstrnGrrl and Chuck15 "answer"(7), "voodoo2"(8), "gameplay"(6), "registered"(3)

Special words by time of day
  Hours 6-12 Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24
1"wanne"(3) "search"(8)"stuck"(27)
2"requiem"(3) "floor"(3)"thing"(21)
3  "enough"(3)"nothing"(15)
4  "english"(5)"coming"(13)
5  "small"(3)"using"(12)
6  "mplayer"(3)"fucking"(18)
7  "follow"(3)"wrong"(8)
8  "flooded"(3)"comes"(12)
9  "unless"(3)"developer"(28)
10  "Depot"(3)"3dnet"(7)

Special words by day of week
  Monday Tuesday -
Friday Saturday -
1"gives"(3)"button"(6) "keeps"(3)"today"(14)
2"floor"(3)"master"(15) "ΒΈ/me"(3)"weeks"(6)
3"carve"(7)"click"(5) "shell"(4)"radio"(7)
4"switch"(7)"having"(4) "wanne"(3)"until"(3)
5"SPLIFF"(5)"bitch"(10) "Patience"(3)"sneak"(6)
6"erase"(3)"cheap"(3) "drives"(3)"graphics"(6)
7"cd-rom"(3)"count"(3) "requiem"(3)"HAVOC"(6)
8"gangsta"(4)"smoke"(4) "glide2x.dll"(6)"demos"(3)
9"gangster"(3)"quotes"(3) "motobike"(4)"months"(4)
10 "driver"(9)  "gettin"(7)

URL Tracking

20 latest URLs from #kingpin

At URL Nick
4.8.1999 16:58http://www.botepidemic.com/bots/kingpin.shtmlToadie
2.8.1999 15:55http://www.planetquake.com/dl/dl.asp?planetkingpin/patches/kingpin_v110_pat...
 First mentioned by Zi\\a on 26.7.1999 18:28.
31.7.1999 18:05GANGLAND.ORG
 First mentioned by DeAdWaStE on 19.3.. Used 13 times.
26.7.1999 19:41http://scry.wanfear.com/hegemon/hegemon.html
 First mentioned by Zi\\a on 26.7.1999 18:28. Used 3 times.
24.7.1999 21:14http://i.am/kingpin/}Dann{
23.7.1999 15:33frag.com/doom/}Dann{
22.7.1999 20:02http://www.planetkingpin.com/hoodlum/
 First mentioned by _dopehat_ on 18.7.1999 21:36. Used 3 times.
19.7.1999 16:51www.3dfx.com}Dann{
18.7.1999 18:58www.gangland.org/westside/fake2.jpg
 First mentioned by WstrnGrrl on 18.7.1999 18:32. Used 4 times.
 First mentioned by WstrnGrrl on 18.7.1999 18:32. Used 4 times.
16.7.1999 21:31irc.3dnet.net
 First mentioned by Zi\\a on 21.3..
 First mentioned by WstrnGrrl on 14.7.1999 22:31.
14.7.1999 21:21http://members.tripod.co.uk/WstrnGrrl/cheats.htmlWstrnGrrl
13.7.1999 16:21http://members.tripod.co.uk/WstrnGrrl/
 First mentioned by Zi\\a on 9.7.1999 15:31.
12.7.1999 22:12www.qeradiant.comWstrnGrrl
9.7.1999 20:13http://www.gameaholic.com/servers/kingpin/
 First mentioned by }Dann{ on 2.7.1999 15:14.

Most popular URLs
  URL Count First used by
1http://www.far2cool.com/ 221}Dann{4.2.1999 22:11
2GANGLAND.ORG 13DeAdWaStE19.3.1999 21:07
3cdrom.com 6Zi\\a21.3.1999 20:42
4www.gangland.org/westside/fake.jpg 4WstrnGrrl18.7.1999 18:32
5www.gangland.org/westside/fake2.jpg 4WstrnGrrl18.7.1999 18:32
6http://scry.wanfear.com/hegemon/hegemon.html 3Zi\\a26.7.1999 18:28
7http://www.planetkingpin.com/hoodlum/ 3_dopehat_18.7.1999 21:36

10 random URLs
At URL First used by
9.7.1999 14:49www.gameaholic.comZi\\a
8.6.1999 18:31kingpinhq.cjb.netSpawnX
2.4.1999 22:51ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/mslfiles/opengl95.exe}Dann{
22.3.1999 16:16ftp.gangland.org}Dann{
21.3.1999 20:48ftp.cdrom.com/pub/planetquake/planetkingpin/kpdemo.exeZi\\a
17.2.1999 19:29thombs.comZi\\a
4.2.1999 22:11www.farmsex.com
 Used 2 times.
31.1.1999 0:01http://listen.to/kingpinLentl
30.1.1999 21:43usa.net[Butane]
30.1.1999 21:43http://www.xatrix.com/kingpin.htmlZi\\a

47 unique URLs collected since 30.1.1999

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