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Personal stats

1  Lordhawk
Last talked: 28.4.1998 19:15
Visits: 7
Status: Operator
Lines: 111
Active days: 2/358
Average lines per day: 56
Average letters per line: 48.3
Opped people 1 times
Topics set: 3
Question ratio: 34%
Exclamation ratio: 23%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
28.4.1998 19:15<Lordhawk> Redraptor: Whats the chain of command for cartoons? A) Fat guy, wife, kid B) Cat, Mouse, Dog C) Robots, Spaceship, Elephant D) Superhero, Sidekick, Commisioner
19:15<Lordhawk> matt, you make up a text with star wars trivia with the letter answer before the question and i will host it in this channel
19:15<Lordhawk> ok?
19:15*** Lordhawk has quit IRC (Leaving)
19:15*** Lordhawk has joined #lost_in_space
19:15*** Lordhawk has quit IRC (Baltimore-R.MD.US.Undernet.Org StLouis-R.Mo.US.Undernet.org)
2.5.1998 21:59*** Lordhawk has joined #lost_in_space
2 Apollo440
Last talked: 24.4.1998 22:23
Status: Operator
Lines: 75
Active days: 1/358
Average lines per day: 75
Average letters per line: 35.4
Opped people 2 times
Topics set: 1
Question ratio: 9.3%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
24.4.1998 22:23<Apollo440> i'm watching something
22:23<Apollo440> hmmm the video killed the radio star looks kewl...
22:23<Apollo440> oops
22:23<Apollo440> the video
3 }Dann{
Country: United States
Last talked: 3.5.1998 19:53
Status: Normal user
Lines: 74
Active days: 4/358
Average lines per day: 18
Average letters per line: 21.1
Topics set: 2
Question ratio: 8.1%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Alter-ego nicks used: 3  Chats mostly with:
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
3.5.1998 19:53<}Dann{> hey redraptor
19:53<}Dann{> nope
19:53<}Dann{> I will sometime
19:53*** }Dann{ is now known as Dann|away
19:53<Dann|away> bbl
4 Jammm
Last talked: 3.5.1998 19:53
Visits: 2
Status: Operator
Lines: 40
Active days: 3/358
Average lines per day: 13
Average letters per line: 11.8
Opped people 2 times
Question ratio: 12%
Exclamation ratio: 12%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Alter-ego nicks used: 2  Chats mostly with:
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
28.4.1998 19:15*** Jammm has quit IRC (¯`·._NLS v5.0 By EcLiPsEd http://eclipsed.hypermart.net/_.·´¯)
3.5.1998 19:53*** Jammm is now known as JammmAWAY
19:53<JammmAWAY> get out come in and try again
5 cdeath14
Last talked: 28.4.1998 19:15
Visits: 1
Status: Normal user
Lines: 27
Active days: 1/358
Average lines per day: 27
Average letters per line: 21.0
CAPS ratio: 3.7%
Question ratio: 19%
Exclamation ratio: 7.4%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
28.4.1998 19:15<cdeath14> heres something tell me what u think?
19:15<cdeath14> who builds the tie/in model?
19:15<cdeath14> bet u dont know :)
19:15*** cdeath14 has quit IRC (Baltimore-R.MD.US.Undernet.Org StLouis-R.Mo.US.Undernet.org)
6 RedJesus-
Last talked: 3.5.1998 19:53
Visits: 1
Status: Operator
Lines: 24
Active days: 2/358
Average lines per day: 12
Average letters per line: 11.6
Number of descriptions: 5
CAPS ratio: 4.2%
Question ratio: 21%
Exclamation ratio: 4.2%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Chats mostly with:
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
3.5.1998 19:53<Redraptor> W did tha tto me too
19:53* Redraptor thinks that w may be not working right
7 {Oz}
Last talked: 24.4.1998 22:23
Visits: 2
Status: Normal user
Lines: 6
Active days: 1/358
Average lines per day: 6.0
Average letters per line: 28.2
Question ratio: 17%
Exclamation ratio: 17%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
24.4.1998 21:57<{Oz}> has penny been in tonight?
22:23<{Oz}> sigh...no ops
22:23<{Oz}> hey guess...i'm taking my first year of french and i'm in #drumcorps talking to these french people!
22:23*** {Oz} has left #lost_in_space
8 gedski
Last talked: 3.5.1998 19:53
Visits: 5
Status: Operator
Lines: 6
Active days: 1/358
Average lines per day: 6.0
Average letters per line: 14.0
CAPS ratio: 33%
Question ratio: 17%
Exclamation ratio: 33%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
3.5.1998 19:53<gedski> [1:18] -W- AUTHENTICATION FAILED!
19:53<gedski> [1:18] -W- AUTHENTICATION FAILED!
19:53<gedski> jammm?
19:53<gedski> i have
19:53<gedski> twice
9 CmndrKeen
Last talked: 24.4.1998 21:57
Status: Normal user
Lines: 2
Active days: 1/358
Average lines per day: 2.0
Average letters per line: 4.50
Weekly activity  Hourly activity
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
24.4.1998 21:57<CmndrKeen> yo oz
21:57<CmndrKeen> yeah
21:57*** CmndrKeen is now known as }Dann{
10 sNeAkHTML
Last talked: 24.4.1998 21:57
Visits: 1
Status: Normal user
Lines: 1
Active days: 1/358
Average lines per day: 1.0
Average letters per line: 4.00
Weekly activity  Hourly activity
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
24.4.1998 21:57*** sNeAkHTML has left #lost_in_space
21:57*** sNeAkHTML has joined #lost_in_space
21:57<sNeAkHTML> hehe
21:57*** sNeAkHTML has left #lost_in_space

Top 3 smiley using guys on #lost_in_space

  Nick Lines Written Random Quote
1 Jammm  11 ":)))))))))))"
2 Lordhawk  6 "Morouni is my dentist :)"
3 cdeath14  3 "jp is comin out 2morrow :)"

#lost_in_space's short line writers

  Nick Lines Written Random Quote
1 }Dann{  18 "hehe"
2 Apollo440  15 "band"
3 Jammm  14 ":)"
4 Lordhawk  12 ";)"
5 RedJesus-  9 "hmm"
6 cdeath14  5 "doh"
7 CmndrKeen  2 "yo oz"

Top 4 referred people

  Nick Lines Written Random Quote
1 RedJesus-  28 <Lordhawk> Redraptor: Whats the chain of command for cartoons? A) Fat guy, wife...
2 Jammm  16 <Lordhawk> Jammm: Whats Santa called in Japan? A) Saint Nick B) Chris Kringle...
3 cdeath14  4 <Lordhawk> cdeath14: Whats Santa called in Japan? A) Saint Nick B) Chris Kringle...
4 }Dann{  2 <Lordhawk> }Dann{: What was the name of the Space ship? A) Jupiter 1 and 2 B...

Big Numbers

Lordhawk popped in and out all the time, joining #lost_in_space 7 times during this reporting period...
People in #lost_in_space probably wish Lordhawk had a "mute" button - as this individual shouted 23% of the time!
Channel activity peak: 5 people were active on 24.4.1998 21:56 - 21:58
Active users during this 2-minute period were (in order of appearance):
 }Dann{, sNeAkHTML, CmndrKeen, {Oz}, Lordhawk
Lordhawk was overly verbose, averaging 48 letters per line.

Chat partners

People who talk most to each other

1 LordhawkRedJesus-
2 LordhawkJammm
3 Lordhawkcdeath14
4 Lordhawk}Dann{

#lost_in_space's popular words

Count Word Last used by At
19 "Correct" Lordhawk 28.4.1998 19:15
8 "Alpha" Lordhawk 28.4.1998 19:15
7 "Wrong" Lordhawk 28.4.1998 19:15
7 "alison" Apollo440 24.4.1998 22:23
7 "Simpson" Lordhawk 28.4.1998 19:15
6 "Trivia" Lordhawk 28.4.1998 19:15
6 "sneak" Apollo440 24.4.1998 22:23
5 "apollo" Jammm 26.4.1998 18:53
5 "there" Lordhawk 28.4.1998 19:15
5 "school" Lordhawk 28.4.1998 19:15

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